1 Objectives

This document outlines some common data reshaping tasks with tidyr and introduces the concept of tidy data.

2 Materials

View the slides for this section here.

Read more about dplyr here and tidyr on the tidyverse website, or in the Data Transformation chapter of R for Data Science.

2.1 Load packages

tidyr is part of the core tidyverse packages, so we install and load this meta-package below.


2.2 Tidy data

There are two principles for tidy data:

  1. Columns hold variables
  2. Rows hold observations
  3. Cells (the intersection of rows and columns) hold values

For these first few exercises, we’re going to be using data from the fivethirtyeight package.

2.2.1 EndorseSample

There are multiple ways data can be ‘less-than tidy.’ We’ll start with a common example, which is two variables (and their values) stored in a single column.

Below is a subset of the endorsements_2020 dataset named EndorseSample. Read more about the endorsements_2020 dataset by typing ??endorsements_2020 into the console.

EndorseSample <- readr::read_csv("https://bit.ly/3x6wfTg")

Notice the location variable has two values (state and city) stored in the same column.

2.2.2 FandangoSample

In another example of un-tidy data, we’ll look at the dataset below which comes from the fandango dataset.

FandangoSample <- readr::read_csv(file = "https://bit.ly/3kS34yj")

This dataset has two similar scores combined into a single column rottentomatoes_scores

  • rottentomatoes_user: The Rotten Tomatoes user score for the film (expressed as a percent)

  • rt_user_norm: The Rotten Tomatoes user score for the film , normalized to a 0 to 5 point system (expressed as ‘score out of 5’)

2.2.3 DailyShowSample

Below is a sample from the daily_show_guests dataset. The guests names are separated into first_name and last_name columns.

DailyShowSample <- readr::read_csv("https://bit.ly/3HGx8XG")

3 Reshaping Columns and Rows

In the next few exercises, we’ll go over how (and when) to use separate(), separate_rows(), and unite() these variables.

3.1 separate()

This allows us to split columns apart into multiple variables.

Take a look at EndorseSample below:


3.1.1 exercise

Separate location into state and city

EndorseSample %>% 
    separate(col = ___, into = c("_______", "_______"), sep = " ")

3.1.2 solution

EndorseSample %>% 
    separate(col = location, into = c("state", "city"), sep = ", ")

3.2 separate_rows()

separate_rows() is similar to separate(), but drops the values down the rows. This is commonly used when we have more than one similar value in each column.

Take a look at FandangoSample below.


3.2.1 exercise

Put all the values into their own cell.

FandangoSample %>% 
  separate_rows(____________________, sep = ___)

3.2.2 solution

This isn’t as clear as it could be, so we will use mutate(), case_when(), and str_detect() to create an index variable for the rottentomatoes_scores, which we will call rottentomatoes_score. We’ll also remove the % and out of 5 text from rottentomatoes_scores, and rename this to rottentomatoes_value.

FandangoSampleTidy <- FandangoSample %>% 
  separate_rows(rottentomatoes_scores, sep = "/", convert = TRUE) %>% 
  mutate(rottentomatoes_score = case_when(
    str_detect(rottentomatoes_scores, "%") ~ "raw user score (%)", 
    str_detect(rottentomatoes_scores, "out of 5") ~ "normalized user score (out of 5)", 
    TRUE ~ NA_character_),
    rottentomatoes_value = str_remove_all(string = rottentomatoes_scores, "%|out of 5"), 
    rottentomatoes_value = as.numeric(rottentomatoes_value)
  ) %>% 

Notice this new dataset, FandangoSampleTidy, has twice the number of rows as the original FandangoSample.


3.3 unite()

Just like separate/separate_rows allows us to split up columns, unite() lets us stick them back together! Take a look at DailyShowSample.


We can see the guests have had their names in separate columns (first_name and last_name).

3.3.1 exercise

Unite first_name and last_name into guest_name (don’t remove the previous columns with remove = FALSE).

DailyShowSample %>% 
    unite(col = "_______", first_name:last_name, sep = " ", remove = _____)

3.3.2 solution

Unite first_name and last_name into guest_name (don’t remove the previous columns with remove = FALSE).

DailyShowSample %>% 
    unite(col = "guest_name", first_name:last_name, sep = " ", remove = FALSE)

4 Joins

Joins give us the ability to combine multiple datasets on a common column. We’re going to be using the starwarsdb package, which contains data from the Star Wars API.

We’ll load the data below:


4.1 starwarsdb

The code below creates and displays the data model for the tables in this package

StarWarsDataModel <- dm_draw(dm = starwars_dm(), 
                             graph_name = "StarWarsDataModel")

4.1.1 exercise

Load the starwarsdb::films dataset, removing the opening_crawl column, and filter to only episodes 4-6. Store these data in StarWarsFilms

StarWarsFilms <- starwarsdb::films %>% 
                    select(-____________) %>% 
                    filter(episode_id >= ___ & episode_id <= ___)

4.1.2 solution

StarWarsFilms <- starwarsdb::films %>% 
                    select(-c(opening_crawl, director, producer)) %>% 
                    filter(episode_id >= 4 & episode_id <= 6)

4.2 left_join

A left_join keeps all of x, and joins it to all matching rows from dataset y

4.2.1 exercise

Left-join StarWarsFilms to starwarsdb::films_vehicles on "title", then select() the vehicle column, then everything() else.

Assign to StarWarsFilmVeh

left_join(x = _____________, 
          y = starwarsdb::films_vehicles, 
          by = ______) %>% 
           everything()) -> StarWarsFilmVeh

4.2.2 solution

left_join(x = StarWarsFilms, 
          y = starwarsdb::films_vehicles, 
          by = "title") %>% 
         everything()) -> StarWarsFilmVeh

4.3 inner_join

The inner_join() joins dataset x and y, and keeps only matching rows from both.

4.3.1 exercise

Use an inner_join to join StarWarsFilmVeh to starwarsdb::pilots on "vehicle" and assign it to StarWarsFilmVehPil.

inner_join(x = StarWarsFilmVeh, 
           y = _________, 
           by = _________) -> _____________

4.3.2 solution

inner_join(x = StarWarsFilmVeh, 
           y = starwarsdb::pilots, 
           by = "vehicle") -> StarWarsFilmVehPil

4.4 right_join

The right_join() includes all the rows in dataset y, and joins it the matching rows in dataset x.

4.4.1 exercise

Use a right_join() to join StarWarsFilmVehPlt to starwarsdb::films_planets on "title", keeping all the rows in starwarsdb::films_planets. Use select() to rename planet to film_planet and assign this to StarWarsFilmVehPltPlnt

right_join(x = __________________, 
             y = __________________, 
             by = "title") %>% 
         film_planet = _______,
         pilot) -> StarWarsFilmVehPltPlnt

4.4.2 solution

right_join(x = StarWarsFilmVehPil, 
           y = starwarsdb::films_planets, 
           by = "title") %>% 
         film_planet = planet, 
         pilot) -> StarWarsFilmVehPltPlnt

4.5 anti_join

The anti_join() keeps all rows in dataset x that do not have a match in dataset y. Note the last join created empty values for vehicle, episode_id, release_date, and pilot.

StarWarsFilmVehPltPlnt %>% 

4.5.1 exercise

Use the anti_join() to join StarWarsFilmVehPltPlnt to StarWarsFilms and create a dataset with only title and film_planet (these should only contain the titles not in StarWarsFilms).

anti_join(x = StarWarsFilmVehPltPlnt, 
            y = ____________, 
            by = c("title", "episode_id", "release_date")) %>% 
  select(________, ________)

4.5.2 solution

anti_join(x = StarWarsFilmVehPltPlnt, 
            y = StarWarsFilms, 
            by = c("title", "episode_id", "release_date")) %>% 
  select(title, film_planet)

5 Nested data

Nested data refers to a dataset in which a column is holding a list of data frames (or tibbles). These can be useful for manipulating data, and we’re going to give an example of using nested data to reshape a column combining two sets of dates.

5.1 Anti-Doping Sanctions Database

unnest() deals with nested data, which can be complicated to explain, so we’ll use an example. Run the code below to download data from the Anti-Doping Agency Sanction database.


These data have two dates (original and updated) in a single column (sanction_announced). We only want updated dates in their own columns.


5.1.1 str_split

Use the stringr package’s str_split function to split the bad dates on the "updated" pattern.

UsadaBadDates %>%
        dplyr::mutate(sanction_dates = 
    # 1) split this on the "updated" pattern
             stringr::str_split(string = sanction_announced, 
                                pattern = "updated")) %>% 
    # only return what we're interested in 
    dplyr::select(athlete, sanction_announced, sanction_dates)

This creates a nested column (sanction_dates), which we can deal with by unnest()ing it. Let’s take a better look with listviewer (but only look at athlete and sanction_dates).

UsadaBadDates %>%
        dplyr::mutate(sanction_dates = 
    # 1) split this on the "updated" pattern
             stringr::str_split(string = sanction_announced, 
                                pattern = "updated")) %>% 
    # only return what we're interested in 
    dplyr::select(athlete, sanction_dates) %>% 
    listviewer::jsonedit(mode = "view")

5.1.2 unnest

After unnesting, we can see the dates have been repeated down the rows (like separate_rows()).

UsadaBadDates %>%
        dplyr::mutate(sanction_dates = 
    # 1) split this on the "updated" pattern
             stringr::str_split(string = sanction_announced, 
                                pattern = "updated")) %>% 
    # convert the output from split into multiple rows
        tidyr::unnest(sanction_dates) %>% 
    # check this to see what is happening 
        dplyr::select(athlete, sanction_announced, sanction_dates)

5.1.3 filter

We can see all of the updated dates are on a new line, and the original dates still contain the text. Now I can filter out the rows with an original date (because I am only interested in the updated dates).

UsadaBadDates %>%
        dplyr::mutate(sanction_dates = 
    # 1) split this on the "updated" pattern
             stringr::str_split(string = sanction_announced, 
                                pattern = "updated")) %>% 
    # 2) convert the output from split into multiple rows
        tidyr::unnest(sanction_dates) %>% 
    # 3) remove the "original" dates 
        dplyr::filter(!str_detect(string = sanction_dates, 
                                  pattern = "original")) %>% 
    # check this to see what is happening 
        dplyr::select(athlete, sanction_announced, sanction_dates)

5.1.4 str_remove_all

Now I can clean up the updated sanction_dates and format it.

UsadaBadDates %>%
        dplyr::mutate(sanction_dates = 
    # 1) split this on the "updated" pattern
             stringr::str_split(string = sanction_announced, 
                                pattern = "updated")) %>% 
    # 2) convert the output from split into multiple rows
        tidyr::unnest(sanction_dates) %>% 
    # 3) remove the "original" dates 
        dplyr::filter(!str_detect(string = sanction_dates, 
                                  pattern = "original")) %>% 
    # 4) remove the colon from sanction_dates
        dplyr::mutate(sanction_dates = stringr::str_remove_all(
                                                      string = sanction_dates,
                                                      pattern = ":"),
                      # 5) remove any whitespace
                      sanction_dates = stringr::str_trim(sanction_dates),
                      # 6) format as date
                      sanction_dates = lubridate::mdy(sanction_dates)) %>%
    # check this to see what is happening 
    dplyr::select(athlete, sanction_announced, sanction_dates)

5.1.5 ggplot2

How far can this pipe go??

Well, when the data are arranged in the way we want, we can test it with a visualization to check the number of sanctions per sport with bad dates.

UsadaBadDates %>%
        dplyr::mutate(sanction_dates = 
    # 1) split this on the "updated" pattern
             stringr::str_split(string = sanction_announced, 
                                pattern = "updated")) %>% 
    # 2) convert the output from split into multiple rows
        tidyr::unnest(sanction_dates) %>% 
    # 3) remove the "original" dates 
        dplyr::filter(!str_detect(string = sanction_dates, 
                                  pattern = "original")) %>% 
    # 4) remove the colon from sanction_dates
        dplyr::mutate(sanction_dates = stringr::str_remove_all(
                                                      string = sanction_dates,
                                                      pattern = ":"),
                      # 5) remove any whitespace
                      sanction_dates = stringr::str_trim(sanction_dates),
                      # 6) format as date
                      sanction_dates = lubridate::mdy(sanction_dates)) %>% 
    # count by sport
    dplyr::count(sport, sort = TRUE) %>% 
    # rename n 
    rename(`Sport Count` = n,
            Sport = sport) %>% 
    ggplot2::ggplot(aes(x = `Sport Count`, 
                        y = forcats::fct_reorder(as.factor(Sport), `Sport Count`), 
                        fill = as.character(`Sport Count`))) + 
    geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) + 
    labs(x = "Number of Sanctions", y = "Sport",
         title = "Number of Sanctions with Bad Dates",
         caption = "source: https://www.usada.org/news/sanctions/") + 
    ggthemes::theme_fivethirtyeight() + 