layout: true <!-- this adds the link footer to all slides, depends on footer-small class in css--> <div class="footer-small"><span></span></div> --- name: title-slide class: title-slide, center, middle, inverse # ODSC: Data Visualization with ggplot2 #.fancy[Part 1: Thinking with graphs] ### <br> .large[by Martin Frigaard & Peter Spangler] Written: February 08 2022 Updated: July 23 2022 --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% # Resources <br> .leftcol[ ## Links: ### - [Conference Website]( ### - [Website]( ### - [Part 1]( ### - [Part 2]( ] .rightcol[ ## Materials: ### - [RStudio.Cloud]( ### - [Github Repo]( ] --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% ## Outline .leftcol[ ### .red[Part 1] .font70[ **Exploratory data analysis** - *What is it, who does it, and why it's important* **A Bayesian mindset** - *Priors -> new information -> posteriors* **The grammar of graphics** - *Layers, aesthetics, and geoms* ] ] -- .rightcol[ ### Part 2 .font70[ **Build labels first** - *Set expectations* **Exercises & solutions** - *RStudio.Cloud* **Creating graphs** - *Building graphs layer-by-layer, global vs. local mapping, visual encodings* **Applying the grammar** - *Mapping vs. setting aesthetics, combining layers, facets* ] ] --- class: center, middle, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% # .fancy[.large[PART 1]] --- class: center, middle background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% <br> # **.fancy[.darkblue[.large[Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)]]]** --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% # .center["EDA"] .leftcol[ ### "Exploratory Data Visualization" first coined by American mathematician John Tukey in 1977 ] .rightcol[ <img src="images/eda-tukey.jpg" width="50%" height="50%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% # What is EDA? #### John T. Behrens, [Principles and Procedures of Exploratory Data Analysis]( <br> > .blue[*Emphasis on substantive understanding of data*] > .blue[*- i.e. "what is going on here?"*] -- > .blue[*Iterative process with a focus on graphic representations of data*] --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% # What is EDA? #### John T. Behrens, [Principles and Procedures of Exploratory Data Analysis]( <br> > .blue[*- Includes subset analyses, skepticism, and flexibility*] -- > .red[*- The role of the data analyst is to listen to the data in as many ways as possible until a plausible "story" of the data is apparent*] --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% # Who does EDA? #### John Tukey, [Exploratory Data Analysis]( <br> > .blue[*A detective investigating a crime needs both tools and understanding.*] -- > .blue[*If he has no fingerprint powder, he will fail to find fingerprints on most surfaces.*] -- > .blue[*If he does not understand where the criminal is likely to have put his fingers, he will not look in the right places.*] -- > .red[*Equally, the analyst of data needs both tool and understanding.*] --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% # EDA is a 'state of mind' #### Hadley Wickham, [R for Data Science]( <br> > .red[*More than anything, EDA is a state of mind.*] -- > .blue[*During the initial phases of EDA you should feel free to investigate every idea that occurs to you. Some of these ideas will pan out, and some will be dead ends.*] -- > .blue[*As your exploration continues, you will home in on a few particularly productive areas that you’ll eventually write up and communicate to others.*] --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% # Why is EDA important? -- > .blue[*"Data are becoming the new raw material of business"* - Craig Mundie, CEO at Microsoft] -- > .blue[*"Data is the oil of the digital era"* - [The Economist](] -- <img src="images/parkins-data-oil.png" width="50%" height="50%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <div class="footer-small"><span></span></div> --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% # Why is EDA important? ### Data are complex: <img src="images/Big-Data-Reporting-640x300.jpeg" width="60%" height="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- *It's hard to derive insight from data in it's raw form!* --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 97% 6% background-size: 10% # EDA is a means of .blue[visualizing complexity] <br> -- ### - *It's hard to make sense of a dataset or database with millions of rows and thousands of columns* -- ### - *Fortunately, humans are excellent at seeing patterns:* -- <img src="images/superior-pattern-processing.png" width="80%" height="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto 0 auto auto;" /> .footer[.small[.right[[Superior pattern processing is the essence of the evolved human brain]( - Frontiers in Neuroscience]]] --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% # What do you need? <br> -- ## **Tools** = R, RStudio, Adobe, sketch pad, text editor (Atom, Sublime Text, Vim) <br> -- ## **Understanding** = *...experience and feedback* --- class: center, middle background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% <br> # **.fancy[.darkblue[.large[A Bayesian Mindset]]]** --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% ## A Bayesian Mindset -- ### .center[*What we thought we knew (.orange[what we expect])*] -- # .large[.center[+]] -- ### .center[*New information (.orange[what we see])*] -- # .large[.center[=]] -- ### .center[*What we think now (.orange[what we've learned])*] --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% ## A Bayesian Mindset <br> ### We all have implicit beliefs (.red[*'priors'*]) about the world -- <br> ### When we encounter new data or information, our *priors* get updated -- <br> ### These updated beliefs (.red[*'posteriors'*]) depend on our implicit beliefs and our **perceptions** of the new information --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% # A Bayesian Mindset -- .leftcol40[ <br> ### *Before EDA, we start with expectations and/or assumptions about the data* ] -- .rightcol60[ <img src="images/bayesian-eda-priors.png" width="80%" height="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% # A Bayesian Mindset -- .leftcol40[ <br> ### *During EDA, we observe new information that either confirms or contradicts our prior beliefs* ] -- .rightcol60[ <img src="images/bayesian-eda-new.png" width="80%" height="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% ## A Bayesian Mindset -- .leftcol40[ <br> ### *After EDA, we have a new set of beliefs which account for the observed data* ] -- .rightcol60[ <img src="images/bayesian-eda-posteriors.png" width="80%" height="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% # EDA is .green[systematic, technical creativity] <br> ## The .orange['exploration'] stems from: -- ### 1) articulating our prior beliefs, -- ### 2) having clear ideas for what we expect to see, and -- ### 3) accurately describing our discoveries --- class: center, middle background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% # **.fancy[.darkblue[.large[A Grammar Of Graphics]]]** --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% # `ggplot2`: grammar & syntax <br> -- ## **.fancy[Grammar]:** the system of rules for any given language <br> -- ## **.fancy[Syntax]:** the form, structure and order for constructing statements --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% ## `ggplot2`: the benefits of grammar & syntax <br> ### ".blue[objects] are like the R language’s nouns, and functions (**.red[fn]**) are like verbs" -- <img src="images/obj-function.png" width="100%" height="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- <br> ### .center[*.red[functions] do things to .blue[objects]*] --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% # `ggplot2`: a layered language for graphs <br> .leftcol[ ### `ggplot2` is comprised of layers - Data - Mapping - Statistics - Geometric objects - Position adjustments ] -- .rightcol[ <img src="images/ggplot2-layers.png" width="90%" height="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% # `ggplot2`: data ### The data layer consists of a rectangular object (like a spreadsheet) with columns and rows -- <img src="images/data-layer.png" width="68%" height="62%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <!-- For `ggplot2`, the analyst explicitly controls the implementation of this general grammar with a separate function call to implement each layer. The result is a toolkit, a set of building blocks available to the user that provides the basis for an extraordinarily wide range of both standard and highly customized visualizations.--> --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% # `ggplot2`: mapping ### The mapping layer assigns columns (variables) from the data to a visual property (i.e. graph '.red[aes]thetic') -- <img src="images/mapping-layer.png" width="72%" height="68%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% # `ggplot2`: geoms ### `geom_*()` functions include statistical transformations, shapes, and position adjustments for how to 'draw' the data on the graph -- <img src="images/geom-layer.png" width="78%" height="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% # `ggplot2`: layers ### We can have multiple layers (data, mappings, geoms) in a single graph -- <img src="images/multiple-layers.png" width="80%" height="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% ## `ggplot2`: layers = infinitely extensible <br> ### Language is a system for > .red[“making infinite use of finite means.”] - [Wilhelm von Humboldt]( -- <br> ### With a finite number of .blue[objects] & .red[functions], we can combine `ggplot2`s grammar and syntax to create an infinite number of graphs! --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% ## `ggplot2`: layers = infinitely extensible #### We can build graphs layer-by-layer .cols3[.code50[ <br> .center[.red[code]] ```r ggplot(data = penguins, mapping = aes(x = flipper_length_mm, y = bill_length_mm)) + geom_point() ``` ]] -- .cols3[ .center[.blue[layer]] <img src="images/layer-breakdown-01.png" width="83%" height="83%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] -- .cols3[ <br> .center[.green[graph]] <img src="images/layer-breakdown-01-plot-1.png" width="100%" height="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% ## `ggplot2`: layers = infinitely extensible #### New layers can 'inherit' data from previous layers (or include their own data) .cols3[.code50[ <br> .center[.red[code]] ```r ggplot(data = penguins, mapping = aes(x = flipper_length_mm, y = bill_length_mm)) + geom_point() + * geom_smooth( * mapping = aes(x = flipper_length_mm, * y = bill_length_mm, * color = species)) ``` ]] -- .cols3[ .center[.blue[layer]] <img src="images/layer-breakdown-02.png" width="58%" height="58%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] -- <br> .center[.green[graph]] .cols3[ <img src="images/layer-breakdown-02-plot-1.png" width="100%" height="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% ## `ggplot2`: layers = infinitely extensible #### Additional functions for facets, themes, etc. .cols3[.code50[ <br> .center[.red[code]] ```r ggplot(data = penguins, mapping = aes(x = flipper_length_mm, y = bill_length_mm)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth( mapping = aes(x = flipper_length_mm, y = bill_length_mm, color = species)) + * facet_wrap(facets = . ~ island) ``` ]] -- .cols3[ .center[.blue[layer]] <img src="images/layer-breakdown-03.png" width="45%" height="46%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] -- .cols3[ <br> .center[.green[graph]] <img src="images/layer-breakdown-03-plot-1.png" width="100%" height="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% # `ggplot2`: templates .leftcol55[ ### Basic Template: Data, aesthetic mappings, geom .code70[ ```r ggplot(data = <DATA>) + geom_*(mapping = aes(<AESTHETIC MAPPINGS>)) ``` ] ] .rightcol45[ <br> <img src="images/layer-breakdown-01.png" width="83%" height="83%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% # `ggplot2`: templates .leftcol55[ ### Template + 1 Layer: More geoms and aesthetic mappings .code70[ ```r ggplot(data = <DATA>) + geom_*(mapping = aes(<AESTHETIC MAPPINGS>)) + * geom_*(mapping = aes(<AESTHETIC MAPPINGS>)) ``` ]] .rightcol45[ <img src="images/layer-breakdown-02.png" width="53%" height="53%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% # `ggplot2`: templates .leftcol55[ ### Template + 2 Layers: Faceting .code70[ ```r ggplot(data = <DATA>) + geom_*(mapping = aes(<AESTHETIC MAPPINGS>)) + geom_*(mapping = aes(<AESTHETIC MAPPINGS>)) + facet_* ``` ] ] .rightcol45[ <img src="images/layer-breakdown-03.png" width="43%" height="43%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: left, top, inverse background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% # .red[templates] = .blue[infinitely extensible!] .leftcol[ ### Themes <br> .code60[ ```r ggplot(data = <DATA>) + geom_*(mapping = aes(<AESTHETIC MAPPINGS>)) + geom_*(mapping = aes(<AESTHETIC MAPPINGS>)) + facet_* + * theme_* ``` ] ] .rightcol[ ### Don't forget labels! <br> .code60[ ```r ggplot(data = <DATA>) + geom_*(mapping = aes(<AESTHETIC MAPPINGS>)) + geom_*(mapping = aes(<AESTHETIC MAPPINGS>)) + facet_* + theme_* + * <LABELS> ``` ] ] --- class: center, middle, inverse, no-slide-number background-image: url(images/ODSC_Logo_2020.png) background-position: 95% 8% background-size: 12% # Next up: Part 2! <br><br><br><br><br> .footer-large[ .right[ [@mjfrigaard
](<br> [@mjfrigaard
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](<br> [What does "λέξις" mean?]( ]]