Testing Shiny modules

Part 3: module server functions and testServer()


Martin Frigaard


June 20, 2023

This is the third post in a series on testing shiny applications. I’ll cover testing shiny module server functions using the testhat package and shiny’s testServer() function.

Testing shiny modules

Shiny functions pose a couple of unique challenges for testing. First, we can’t execute shiny server functions in the console. Second, as Shiny apps become more complex, it’s highly recommended to break up the code base into modules. Modules have additional challenges due to their reactivity being split between interconnected UI and server functions.

The shiny package doesn’t provide a direct, built-in way to test modules, but the testServer() function addresses these challenges by testing “reactive interactions” in module server functions. testServer() also works with testthat, which means we can structure these ‘reactive interaction’ tests just like other unit tests (for non-application functions).

A Shiny App-Package

testthat is designed to work within an R package, and the mstsap branch of sapkgs has a Mastering Shiny testServer app-package to demonstrate writing tests with testServer().

The functions, modules, and applications in mstsap come from the Shiny Modules chapter of Mastering Shiny.1 If you haven’t read this chapter–start there.

# to get the mstsap package used in this post:

A shiny app-package is a shiny application that’s been developed as (or converted to) an R package. The benefits of storing shiny apps in R packages have been well documented, but I’ll summarize just a few that are specific to testing:

  1. Standardized folder structure:
    1. If unit tests are performed with testthat, minimal setup is required to perform tests.
    2. usethis::use_testthat() sets up test files in the tests/testthat/ folder (to test the code in the R/ folder)
    3. Read more about using testthat with R packages here.
  2. Test extras:
    1. Test data can be placed in tests/testthat/<test dir>/<test_data.rds>
    2. The code used to create the test data should be placed in make_<test_data.rds>
    3. Additional testing functions can be stored in tests/testthat/helpers.R
    4. Read more about test helpers here.
  3. Development tools:
    1. If you’re using RStudio, tests can be run individually (testthat::test_file()) or collectively (devtools::test()), and code helpers and data are loaded using devtools::load_all()
    2. Tests created with testthat remain isolated during development
    3. Read more about developing packages with RStudio in the R Packages text.


In a previous post, I used the following definition for unit tests,

A unit test is a piece of code that invokes a unit of work and checks one specific end result of that unit of work.” - The Art of Unit Testing, 2nd edition

Shiny modules can also be broken into discrete ‘units of work’ with expected ‘end results.’ Modules are a pair of UI and server functions designed to compartmentalize input and output IDs into distinct namespaces.2

Module UI functions typically wrap the layout, input, and output functions in tagList(). Module server functions contain the ‘backend’ code that typically goes in a shiny server function. Both the UI and server module functions are linked by an id argument, which is created using NS() (namespace) in the UI function, and called in the server function with moduleServer().

Module UI functions

Below is an example module UI function:

mod_fun_ui <- function(id) {
    numericInput(inputId = NS(namespace = id, id = "num_input")),
    uiOutput(outputId = NS(namespace = id, id = "num_out"))
  • mod_fun_ui creates a dedicated namespace for one inputId and one outputId with shiny::NS():

      │ └─inputId = █─NS 
      │             ├─namespace = id 
      │             └─id = "num_input" 
        └─outputId = █─NS 
                     ├─namespace = id 
                     └─id = "num_out" 

Module server functions

The corresponding module server function is below:

mod_fun_server <- function(id) {
        moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
            ns <- session
          output$num_out <- uiOutput(outputId = input$num_input)
  • The code to render the reactive input$num_input with output$num_out is contained in the nested call to moduleServer()

      ├─id = id 
      ├─server = █─`function(input, output, session)` 
      │          ├─`ns <- session` 
      │          ├─`output$num_out <-` 
      │          └─█─renderUI 
      │            └─`input$num_input` 
      └─session = session 

Using modules

Both module functions are combined in the ui and server arguments of shinyApp():

    ui = fluidPage(
          mod_fun_ui(id = "mod")
   server = function(input, output, session) 
  • The id arguments connect the UI and server functions to communicate between the UI and backend of the app:

    ├─ui = █─fluidPage 
    │      └─█─mod_fun_ui 
    │        └─id = "mod namespace" 
    └─server = █─`function(input, output, session)` 
                 └─id = "mod namespace" 

I recommend creating test files when you create module files (i.e., with usethis::use_r() & usethis::use_test()).

However, the ‘unit of work’ for a Shiny module might be accomplished with a combination of a module UI and server functions, and a helper/utility function.

mstsap contains three modules: dataset, selectVar, and selectDataVar. If you’re like more information on these modules, click on the links below.

1) Dataset input module

datasetInput/datasetServer: loads and returns data object from the datasets package (filtered by data frames or matrices)

The objects from datasets are filtered in the UI module function with a filter argument that can be used to “limit the options to built-in datasets that are either data frames (filter = is.data.frame) or matrices (filter = is.matrix)”. The names are passed to the choices in the selectInput():

show/hide choices in datasetInput()
names <- ls("package:datasets")
  if (!is.null(filter)) {
    data <- lapply(names, get, "package:datasets")
    names <- names[vapply(data, filter, logical(1))]

The datasets object is returned with get() (wrapped in reactive()). See below:

show/hide returned data from datasetServer()
      get(input$dataset, "package:datasets")

2) selectVar module

selectVarInput/selectVarServer: displays a selectInput() that “allows the user to select variables of specified type from a given reactive dataset.

The data argument in selectVarServer() is the returned value from datasetServer(). The data() is used with the filter argument in the find_vars() function:

show/hide find_vars()
find_vars <- function(data, filter) {
 # I've included the updated version with the 'stopifnot()' checks!
  names(data)[vapply(data, filter, logical(1))]

The filter argument can be used to return variables by class/type (using is.* functions like is.numeric() or is.character()).

When data() changes, the output from find_vars() updates the choices in the variable selectInput() (i.e., input$var). See below:

selectVarServer() also returns the selected variable (input$var) as a reactive value (var())

3) selectDataVar module

selectDataVarUI/selectDataVarServer: The selectDataVar module is from the section titled, “Modules inside of modules”, so here we see the dataset and selectVar modules placed inside the selectDataVar module (each with a new namespace (NS())).

When creating an app-packages, modules are stored in the R/ folder as a single file, typically following a naming convention that differentiates modules from the other package functions. The modules in this post use camelCase, with suffix variations (i.e., Input/Server and UI/Server) for each functions. Other options come from the golem and leprechaun packages.

golem modules are created with golem::add_module()

expand to see golem::add_module(“inputs”)
mod_inputs_ui <- function(id){
  ns <- NS(id)
mod_inputs_server <- function(id){
  moduleServer( id, function(input, output, session){
    ns <- session$ns
## To be copied in the UI
# mod_inputs_ui("inputs_1")
## To be copied in the server
# mod_inputs_server("inputs_1")

golem modules the following naming convention:

  1. All new module functions have a mod_ prefix

  2. golem module functions are differentiated with either a _ui or _server suffix

  3. New golem module files are named R/mod_<name>.R

leprechaun modules are also created with a leprechaun::add_module() function.

expand to see leprechaun::add_module(“inputs”)
inputsUI <- function(id){
    ns <- NS(id)
inputs_server <- function(id){
  moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
                ns <- session$ns
                send_message <- make_send_message(session)
                # your code here
# UI
# inputsUI('id')

# server
# inputs_server('id')

leprechaun modules have a slightly different naming convention:

  1. All new UI module functions have a UI suffix

  2. All new module server functions have a _server suffix

  3. leprechaun module functions do not have a prefix

  4. New leprechaun modules named module_<name>.R

Shiny app-packages often require multiple modules and utility functions, so uniform names will make it easier to manage (and test!) your code.

Standalone App Functions

mstsap contains three standalone functions for running each set of module functions.

I’ve made a small change to each standalone app function–each app has a call to reactiveValuesToList() that displays in the UI.

print reactive values

  output$vals <- shiny::renderPrint({
    x <- shiny::reactiveValuesToList(input,
                            all.names = TRUE)


datasetApp() contains a call to the dataset module, and includes a tableOutput() to render the selected data object:

When datasetApp() is run, the app displays the dataset object in the tableOutput(), and the verbatimTextOutput() renders the reactive values as a text:

Figure 1

The output above shows what NS() does in the dataset module–it appends the module id argument to the inputId (which is why we see dataset-dataset).

  • dataset-: the module id

  • dataset-dataset the inputId from the selectInput()


selectVarApp() includes both dataset and selectVar modules, but instead of rendering the output in a table, the UI renders the variable output in a verbatimTextOutput().

Note that selectVarApp() contains namespaces for two modules:

  1. "data": the namespace for the datasetnput() and datasetServer() modules, inheriting the filter argument and creating the data object

  2. "var": the selectVar modules are linked with the "var" id. selectVarServer() uses the data object created by datasetServer() (and also inherits the filter argument).

These namespaced IDs are rendered below with reactiveValuesToList():

There’s a lot happening in selectVarApp(), so I’ve created the figure below to display the code for the modules with their displayed outputs:

As we can see, the data output from the dataset module is used to generate the vars() reactive for the verbatimTextOutput() in selectVarApp(). Note that both dataset and selectVar modules don’t contain any output functions–these have been provided in the UI for both datasetApp() and selectVarApp().


The final app in mstsap is selectDataVarApp(). Here the inputs from dataset and selectVar have been moved into the sidebarPanel(), and the output is rendered in the mainPanel().

The reactive values here show how the ‘Modules inside of modules’ work–by adding the additional call to NS() in the datasetInput() and selectVarInput() functions within selectDataVarUI() and selectDataVarServer(), an additional namespace is appended to the reactive values (input$dataset and input$var):

(a) selectDataVarApp with reactive values
Figure 2: selectDataVarApp with reactiveValuesToList()

Below is a figure that displays the contents of the selectDataVar modules (I’ve removed the tagList() and moduleServer() for simplicity), the selectDataVarApp(), and the rendered outputs:

(a) selectDataVarApp schema
Figure 3: dataset and selectVar modules inside selectDataVar module with rendered outputs


Module server functions can be tested the same way as a traditional shiny server function, as long as you provide the inputs and verify the correct outputs. Below I’ll cover some general advice on module server tests (and the arguments in testServer()).

What should I test?

The best bit of advice I’ve found helpful when writing tests comes from R Packages,

“focus your time on code that you’re not sure about, is fragile, or has complicated interdependencies”

The quote isn’t in reference to testing modules or Shiny application functions, but I’ve found it’s easy to fall into the trap of trying to test everything when a targeted approach is more efficient (and equally valid).

The items below have been compiled from Mastering Shiny, R Packages, and Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps:

  1. Do the inputs/outputs behave as expected?
    • These tests verify the module server function inputIds and outputIds are properly namespaced and accessible
  2. Does the module contain the expected reactive values/objects?
    • Tests should verify it’s reactivity–module server functions will automatically recompute the outputs when it’s inputs change, so tests should verify changes to inputs produce the expected behaviors and outputs. This includes any returned values from the module (and any additional function arguments).
  3. Are the calculations correct?
    • If the module server function performs calculations or data manipulations, the tests should verify the module produces the correct result (ideally for a variety of inputs and edge cases).
  4. How are errors handled in the module?
    • What errors are displayed from the module? Tests should simulate scenarios that can test if the module: 1) returns errors that are informative, 2) fails silently (when appropriate), or 3) falls back to the correct default behavior.

The first test I’ll perform is for datasetServer(), the module used to return a data object from the datasets package.


testServer() has the following arguments:

  • app can be a module server function (i.e., datasetServer), or any shiny.appobj

  • expr is where I’ll add the testthat expectations and other test code

  • args is a list() I can use to include any module server function arguments

Testing inputs

I’ll start by testing if the initial input value (input$dataset) in datasetServer() is set to NULL. The module server function is the first argument in testServer():

testServer(app = datasetServer, expr = {
  expect_equal(input$dataset, NULL)
  cat("\ndatasetServer: dataset$input is NULL", "\n")
  • Add custom messages with cat() and the inputId we’re testing. Then load, document, and install the package

    ℹ Loading mstsap
    ℹ Updating mstsap documentation
    ℹ Loading mstsap
    Restarting R session...
    • And run the test with testthat::test_file():
    [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 1 ]
    datasetServer: dataset$input is NULL 
Test comments with testServer()

The testServer() documentation has examples of using cat() to create custom messages. I put a function for creating testServer() messages (test_cmt()) in the helper.R file (read more about test helpers here).

It has two arguments (test and msg), and makes it easy to print messages to the console while I’m developing tests.

test_cmt(test = "mod_server_function", msg = "test contents")

       mod_server_function: test contents 

Setting test inputs

testServer() allows us to mimic changing application (or module) inputIds with session$setInputs() like so:

session$setInputs(inputId = "value")

I’ll demonstrate with a test for input$dataset in datasetServer():

  session$setInputs(dataset = "faithful")
    object = input$dataset,
    expected = "faithful")
  test_cmt("datasetServer", "dataset$input")

Returned values

Any returned values from module server functions can be accessed in testServer() with session$returned(). I’ll verify input$dataset returns an object from datasetServer() by testing the class of session$returned():

show/hide test with session$returned()
  session$setInputs(dataset = "airquality")
    object = class(session$returned()),
    expected = "data.frame")
  test_cmt("datasetServer", "class(session$returned())")

  session$setInputs(dataset = "WorldPhones")
    object = is.matrix(session$returned()))
  test_cmt("datasetServer", "is.matrix(session$returned())")

Note that both methods above can be used to check the class of the returned object.

  • I can also use the typeof(datasets::mtcars) for a direct comparison:

    show/hide test with session$returned()
      session$setInputs(dataset = "mtcars")
        # app value...
        object = typeof(session$returned()), 
        # ...compared to actual output
        expected = typeof(datasets::mtcars)) 
      test_cmt("datasetServer", "typeof(session$returned())")

Server function arguments

If the module server function has additional arguments beyond id, then it has additional functionality to verify with unit tests. To test additional module server arguments, pass these to testServer(args = list()). The args list should include named arguments from the module server function, i.e., list(param1 = "value1", param2 = "value2").

For example, selectVarServer() has data and filter arguments:

  • data is the returned reactive object from datasetServer()

  • filter is the function passed to the find_vars() utility function

(a) dataset() -> selectVar()
Figure 4: Object returned from datasetServer() and passed to selectVarServer()

Below is a test for selectVarServer() using args to verify the reactive data() is datasets::mtcars:

  args = list(data = mtcars,
              filter = is.numeric), expr = {
    object = is.reactive(data))
  test_cmt("selectVarServer", "is.reactive(data())")

But this fails with the following error:

[ FAIL 1 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 0 ]
── Error (test-selectVarServer.R:1:1): (code run outside of `test_that()`) ───
Error in `(function (id, data, filter = is.numeric) 

What happened?

I’ve included this example because it’s not in the testServer() documentation, and it’s common to pass values between modules (see here in Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps and here in Mastering Shiny)

Testing module communication

The error message above tells me the issue is originating from the stopifnot() calls in selectVarServer().

Both selectVarServer() and find_vars() are updated from their original versions to include stopifnot() checks for is.reactive(), is.data.frame() and is.function():

  • Original versions:

    find_vars <- function(data, filter) {
      names(data)[vapply(data, filter, logical(1))]
    selectVarServer <- function(id, data, filter = is.numeric) {
      moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
        observeEvent(data(), {
          updateSelectInput(session, "var", choices = find_vars(data(), filter))
  • Updated versions:

    selectVarServer <- function(id, data, filter = is.numeric) {
      moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
        observeEvent(data(), {
          updateSelectInput(session = session, 
            inputId = "var", 
            choices = find_vars(data(), filter)
    find_vars <- function(data, filter) {
      names(data)[vapply(data, filter, logical(1))]

I’ll stop a moment here to address what’s happening in each module:

  1. The datasetServer() returns the results of input$dataset as a reactive (data())

  2. data() enters selectVarServer() in the data argument

  3. Inside selectVarServer(), two stopifnot() functions evaluate the reactivity of data and filter with shiny::is.reactive()

In datasetServer(), the return object is wrapped in the reactive() function, so the items args = list() also need to be wrapped in reactive().

I’ll re-write the test above to a more basic test using is.reactive():

  args = list(data = reactive(mtcars), 
              filter = is.numeric), expr = {
    object = is.reactive(data()))
  test_cmt("selectVarServer", "is.reactive(data())")
[ FAIL 1 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 0 ]
       selectVarServer: is.reactive(data()) 
── Failure (test-selectVarServer.R:1:1): (code run outside of `test_that()`) ───
is.reactive(data()) is not TRUE

`actual`:   FALSE
`expected`: TRUE 

Another failure???

The results of this test might seem confusing given my advice to wrap the args list in reactive(), but some reading of the x argument in is.reactive() will clear up the error:

For is.reactive(), an object to test. For reactive(), an expression.

Removing the parentheses from data() will result in the proper test results:

  args = list(data = reactive(mtcars), 
              filter = is.numeric), expr = {
    object = is.reactive(data))
  test_cmt("selectVarServer", "is.reactive(data())")
[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 1 ]
       selectVarServer: is.reactive(data()) 

Now that I have a reactive data() input, I can explore how this value is used inside selectVarServer(). To update input$var, the data() input is passed to find_vars() (a function that uses a filter argument “used to select which variables to list”). See the example below:

  data = chickwts, 
  filter = is.factor)
#> [1] "feed"

I’ll write an expectation that captures the behavior of find_vars() in selectVarServer():

  args = list(data = reactive(chickwts),
              filter = is.numeric), expr = {
    object = find_vars(data(), is.factor),
    expected = "feed")
  test_cmt("selectVarServer", "find_vars()")

The results are below:

[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 2 ]
       selectVarServer: find_vars()

To verify that the returned object from selectVarServer() is the selected column, I’ll need to simulate the application behavior in the tests:

  • Create a reactive data() input in selectVarServer():

    setting args = list()
        args = list(data = reactive(chickwts),
                    filter = is.numeric), expr = {
        # include expectations below...
  • Set the input$var and verify the input$var:

    verify input$var
      session$setInputs(var = "weight")
      expect_equal(object = input$var,
          expected = "weight")
      test_cmt("selectVarServer", "input$var")
  • Set the input$var and verify the session$returned()

    verify session$returned()
      session$setInputs(var = "feed")
      expect_equal(object = session$returned(),
        expected = datasets::chickwts[["feed"]])
      test_cmt("selectVarServer", "session$returned()")

The results from these tests are below:

[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 3 ]
       selectVarServer: input$var 
[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 4 ]
       selectVarServer: session$returned() 

Module outputs

Rendered outputs can be accessed in testServer() just like inputs (i.e., with output$outputId). But the modules in mstsap don’t have outputs–these are included in the standalone app functions (datasetApp(), selectVarApp(), and selectDaraVarApp()).

Fortunately, app functions can also be passed to the app argument of testServer(). I’ll use datasetApp() to demonstrate.

ds_app <- datasetApp()
    expr = {


Testing a standalone app function is similar to testing a module server function, but with a few minor differences. First, the output from the standalone app function is assigned to an object (ds_app), then placed in the app argument.

To use session$setInputs() need to include the namespace for the inputId. The output from reactiveValuesToList() in datasetApp() shows me how to access the inputId in the datasetServer() module (i.e., input$`dataset-dataset`):

ds_app <- datasetApp()
expr = {
  `dataset-dataset` = "chickwts")

Output testing strategy

Testing outputs with testServer() is different than testing outputs in regular unit tests, because Shiny outputs are executed in the server, but then rendered as HTML in the UI. testServer() outlines a testing strategy for complex outputs:

*The goal for your tests should be to ask “is the code that I wrote producing the plot I want?” There are two components to that question:

  1. Does the plot generate without producing an error?
  2. Is the plot visually correct?

testServer is great for assessing the first component here. By merely referencing output$plot in your test, you’ll confirm that the plot was generated without an error.

If we replace plot with table in the advice above, the tests for datasetApp() should confirm output$data is generated without producing an error.

Instead of writing an expectation, we’ll use cat() to display the contents of output$data after setting the `dataset-dataset` input:

ds_app <- datasetApp()
testServer(ds_app, expr = {
  session$setInputs(`dataset-dataset` = "chickwts")
  cat("\n\toutput$data:\n", output$data, "\n")

The results from the test is below:

[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 0 ]
 <table  class = 'table shiny-table table- spacing-s' style = 'width:auto;'>
        <th style='text-align: right;'> weight </th> 
        <th style='text-align: left;'> feed </th>  
      <tr> <td align="right"> 179.00 </td> <td> horsebean </td> </tr>
      <tr> <td align="right"> 160.00 </td> <td> horsebean </td> </tr>
      <tr> <td align="right"> 136.00 </td> <td> horsebean </td> </tr>
      <tr> <td align="right"> 227.00 </td> <td> horsebean </td> </tr>
      <tr> <td align="right"> 217.00 </td> <td> horsebean </td> </tr>
      <tr> <td align="right"> 168.00 </td> <td> horsebean </td> </tr>

The output is the HTML used to render the table in the UI. This doesn’t add a passing test, but it confirms that the table is being generated from the data() reactive.

The tests for datasetApp() will confirm the inputId, and verify the class and names of the data() reactive (which will be passed to the renderTable() function):

    object = input$`dataset-dataset`,
    expected = "chickwts")
  test_cmt("datasetApp", "input$`dataset-dataset`")

    object = is.data.frame(data()))
  test_cmt("datasetApp", "is.data.frame(data())")

    object = names(data()),
    expected = names(datasets::chickwts))
  test_cmt("datasetApp", "names(data())")

I can include a test for the class of output$data, but note that this is a character output:

  object = class(output$data),
  expected = "character")
test_cmt("datasetApp", "class(output$data)")

The results from test_file() are below:

[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 1 ]
       datasetApp: input$`dataset-dataset` 
[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 2 ]
       datasetApp: is.data.frame(data()) 
[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 3 ]
       datasetApp: names(data()) 
[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 4 ]
       datasetApp: class(output$data) 

The same method can be used to test the selectVarApp(), but note this app requires passing both inputIds to session$setInputs():

show/hide selectVarApp() tests
sv_app <- selectVarApp()
testServer(app = sv_app, expr = {
  session$setInputs(`var-var` = "Ozone",
                    `data-dataset` = "airquality")
  # confirm contents of output$out
  cat("\n\toutput$out:\n", output$out, "\n")
  # confirm var is reactive 
  expect_true(object = is.reactive(var))
  # confirm var input
    object = input$`var-var`,
    expected = "Ozone")
  # confirm data is reactive
  expect_true(object = is.reactive(data))
  # confirm data() is a data.frame
    object = is.data.frame(data()))
  # confirm 'data' can be subsetted with 'var'
    object = data()[[input$`var-var`]],
    expected = airquality[["Ozone"]])

Testing nested modules

I highly recommend viewing the output of reactiveValuesToList() if your application has nested modules. It’s easy to lose track of ids if they span multiple layers.

We know selectDataVarApp() contains ‘modules inside other modules’, and these layers are reflected in the namespaces:

To access the inputIds in the nested modules, we need to pass the full ‘appended’ namespace:

dv_app <- selectDataVarApp()
testServer(app = dv_app, expr = {
  session$setInputs(`var-var-var` = "Ozone",
                    `var-data-dataset` = "airquality")

After setting the inputs, I can confirm the contents of output$out

dv_app <- selectDataVarApp()
testServer(app = dv_app, expr = {
  session$setInputs(`var-var-var` = "Ozone",
                    `var-data-dataset` = "airquality")
  cat("\n\toutput$out:\n", output$out, "\n")
[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 0 ]
   [1]  41  36  12  18  NA  28  23  19   8  NA   7  16  11  14  18
 [16]  14  34   6  30  11   1  11   4  32  NA  NA  NA  23  45 115
 [31]  37  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  29  NA  71  39  NA  NA  23  NA
 [46]  NA  21  37  20  12  13  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA
 [61]  NA 135  49  32  NA  64  40  77  97  97  85  NA  10  27  NA
 [76]   7  48  35  61  79  63  16  NA  NA  80 108  20  52  82  50
 [91]  64  59  39   9  16  78  35  66 122  89 110  NA  NA  44  28
[106]  65  NA  22  59  23  31  44  21   9  NA  45 168  73  NA  76
[121] 118  84  85  96  78  73  91  47  32  20  23  21  24  44  21
[136]  28   9  13  46  18  13  24  16  13  23  36   7  14  30  NA
[151]  14  18  20 

After confirming output$out, I’ll test the inputs:

    object = input$`var-var-var`,
    expected = "Ozone")
  test_cmt("selectDataVarApp", "input$`var-var-var`")

    object = input$`var-data-dataset`,
    expected = "airquality")
  test_cmt("selectDataVarApp", "input$`var-data-dataset`")
[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 1 ]
       selectDataVarApp: input$`var-var-var` 
[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 2 ]
       selectDataVarApp: input$`var-data-dataset`

I can also verify the contents of the reactive var() inside the test:

  expect_true(object = is.reactive(var))
  test_cmt("selectDataVarApp", "is.reactive(var)")
  cat("\n\tvar:\n", var(), "\n")
[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 3 ]
       selectDataVarApp: is.reactive(var) 

 41 36 12 18 NA 28 23 19 8 NA 7 16 11 14 18 14 34 6 30 11 1 11 4 32 NA NA NA 23 
    45 115 37 NA NA NA NA NA NA 29 NA 71 39 NA NA 23 NA NA 21 37 20 12 13 NA NA NA
    NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 135 49 32 NA 64 40 77 97 97 85 NA 10 27 NA 7 48 35 61 79 
    63 16 NA NA 80 108 20 52 82 50 64 59 39 9 16 78 35 66 122 89 110 NA NA 44 28 
    65 NA 22 59 23 31 44 21 9 NA 45 168 73 NA 76 118 84 85 96 78 73 91 47 32 20 23
    21 24 44 21 28 9 13 46 18 13 24 16 13 23 36 7 14 30 NA 14 18 20 


This post has shown how shiny’s testServer() function allows you to isolate and test module server functions, which makes it easier to ensure that your server function behaves as expected (and locate and fix bugs).

I hope you have a better understanding of how you can use testServer() to test a modules inputs/outputs, reactivity, calculations, and errors.

In the next post I’ll cover performing integration tests with shinytest2!


  1. Specifically, the applications come from sections 19.3 through 19.3.4.↩︎

  2. The help files for NS() include the following description for a module namespace: “a namespace is to an ID as a directory is to a file.↩︎