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shinyrPkgs provides an example of deploying an app-package website with pkgdown.


Install the development version of shinyrPkgs using pak:



pkgdown setup

Install pkgdown:


Set up GitHub Actions:


Change the branches for the triggering event in .github/workflows/pkgdown.yml to only trigger on the 17_pkgdown branch:

    branches: [17_pkgdown]
    branches: [17_pkgdown]

Build site:

Add, commit, and push:

git add .
git commit -m "updates to _pkgdown.yml"
git push

Deployed site

View the deployed site here:

More information can be found on the Actions tab of the GitHub repo.


The tests/testthat/ folder contains unit, module, and system tests. The results from devtools::test() should return the following (after adding the snapshots):

ℹ Testing shinyrPkgs
Loading required package: shiny
✔ | F W  S  OK | Context
✔ |          2 | app-feature-01 [14.9s]
⠏ |          0 | mod_scatter_display
INFO [2024-05-30 06:46:02] [ START display = selected_vars initial values]

INFO [2024-05-30 06:46:02] [ END display = selected_vars initial values]

INFO [2024-05-30 06:46:02] [ START display = scatterplot[['alt']] = 'Plot object']
⠙ |          2 | mod_scatter_display
INFO [2024-05-30 06:46:03] [ END display = scatterplot[['alt']] = 'Plot object']

INFO [2024-05-30 06:46:03] [ START display = inputs() creates ggplot2 object]

INFO [2024-05-30 06:46:03] [ END display = inputs() creates ggplot2 object]
✔ |          3 | mod_scatter_display
⠏ |          0 | mod_var_input
INFO [2024-05-30 06:46:03] [ START var_inputs = initial returned()]

INFO [2024-05-30 06:46:03] [ END var_inputs = initial returned()]

INFO [2024-05-30 06:46:03] [ START var_inputs = updated returned()]

INFO [2024-05-30 06:46:03] [ END var_inputs = updated returned()]
✔ |          2 | mod_var_input
⠏ |          0 | scatter_plot
INFO [2024-05-30 06:46:03] [ START fixture = tidy_ggp2_movies.rds]

INFO [2024-05-30 06:46:03] [ START fixture = tidy_ggp2_movies.rds]

INFO [2024-05-30 06:46:03] [ START data = movies.rda]

INFO [2024-05-30 06:46:03] [ END data = movies.rda]
✔ |          2 | scatter_plot
✔ |          1 | shinytest2 [8.4s]

══ Results ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
Duration: 24.1 s

[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 10 ]

Movie review data application

shinyrPkgs provides the code examples in for the Shiny App-Packages book and the Developing & Testing Your Shiny Application workshop provided at R in Pharma (2023). The original code and data for the Shiny app comes from the Building Web Applications with Shiny course.