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The goal of the dfdiffs is to answer the following questions:

  1. What rows are here now that weren’t here before?
  2. What rows were here before that aren’t here now?
  3. What values have been changed?

This vignette takes us through the create_comparison_report() function, which runs all three comparison functions and exports the results to an excel file.


#> Attaching package: 'dfdiffs'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:arsenal':
#>     %nin%

Lahman data

We have four Lahman master (People) datasets to use for comparisons

master15 <- dfdiffs::master15
max(master15$debut, na.rm = TRUE)
#> [1] "2015-10-03"
master20 <- dfdiffs::master20
max(master20$debut, na.rm = TRUE)
#> [1] "2019-09-27"
master21 <- dfdiffs::master21
max(master21$debut, na.rm = TRUE)
#> [1] "2020-09-27"
master22 <- dfdiffs::master22
max(master22$debut, na.rm = TRUE)
#> [1] "2022-04-26"


Below is the create_comparison_report() function.

create_comparison_report <- function(compare, base, by = NULL, by_col = NULL, cols = NULL, file) {
  # convert to tibble
  comp_tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(compare)
  base_tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(base)
  # get names
  comp_nms <- colnames(compare)
  base_nms <- colnames(base)
  compare_nms <- intersect(comp_nms, base_nms)

  # args
  BY <- by
  BY_COL <- by_col
  COLS <- cols

  # create new data
  new <- create_new_data(
    compare = comp_tbl, base = base_tbl,
    by = BY, by_col = BY_COL, cols = COLS
  # create new data
  deleted <- create_deleted_data(
    compare = comp_tbl, base = base_tbl,
    by = BY, by_col = BY_COL, cols = COLS
  # create new data
  changed <- create_modified_data(
    compare = comp_tbl, base = base_tbl,
    by = BY, by_col = BY_COL, cols = COLS
  # this creates a list of $diffs and $diffs_byvar

  # check for rows in new
  if (nrow(new) == 1) {
    new_data <- create_empty_tbl(tbl = base_tbl)
  } else {
    new_data <- new
  # check for rows in deleted
  if (nrow(deleted) == 1) {
    deleted_data <- create_empty_tbl(tbl = base_tbl)
  } else {
    deleted_data <- deleted
  # check for rows in diffs_byvar
  if (is.null(changed[["diffs_byvar"]])) {
    diffs_byvar_data <- tibble::tibble(
      `Variable name` = 0,
      `Modified Values` = 0
  } else {
    diffs_byvar_data <- changed$diffs_byvar
  # check for rows in diffs
  if (is.null(changed[["diffs"]])) {
    diffs_data <- tibble::tibble(
      `Variable name` = 0,
      `Current Value` = 0,
      `Previous Value` = 0
  } else {
    diffs_data <- changed$diffs
  # comparison list
  comparisons <- list(
    "new" = new_data,
    "deleted" = deleted_data,
    "diffs_byvar" = diffs_byvar_data,
    "diffs" = diffs_data,
    "base" = base_tbl,
    "compare" = comp_tbl

  # create workbook
  comp_wb <- openxlsx::createWorkbook()
  # add sheets
    wb = comp_wb,
    sheetName = "New Data"
    wb = comp_wb,
    sheetName = "Deleted Data"
    wb = comp_wb,
    sheetName = "Changed Data"
    wb = comp_wb,
    sheetName = "Review Changes"
    wb = comp_wb,
    sheetName = "Base Data"
    wb = comp_wb,
    sheetName = "Compare Data"

  #### write NEW DATA ----
    wb = comp_wb,
    sheet = "New Data",
    x = comparisons$new,
    startCol = 1,
    startRow = 1
  #### write DELETED DATA ----
    wb = comp_wb,
    sheet = "Deleted Data",
    x = comparisons$deleted,
    startCol = 1,
    startRow = 1
  #### write NUM DIFFS DATA ----
    wb = comp_wb,
    sheet = "Changed Data",
    x = comparisons$diffs_byvar,
    startCol = 1,
    startRow = 1
  #### write VAR DIFFS DATA ----
    wb = comp_wb,
    sheet = "Review Changes",
    x = comparisons$diffs,
    startCol = 1,
    startRow = 1
  #### write BASE DATA ----
    wb = comp_wb,
    sheet = "Base Data",
    x = comparisons$base,
    startCol = 1,
    startRow = 1
  #### write COMPARE DATA ----
    wb = comp_wb,
    sheet = "Compare Data",
    x = comparisons$compare,
    startCol = 1,
    startRow = 1

  openxlsx::saveWorkbook(comp_wb, file = file, overwrite = TRUE)

Test create_comparison_report()

We test this below with master20 and master15:

  compare = master20,
  base = master15,
  by = "playerID",
  file = "../inst/out/compare-report-lahman-15-20.xlsx"