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The raiden package contains an RStudio Addin for documenting R objects–primarily functions, datasets (tibbles and data.frames), and methods (like R6). Resources for developing raiden come from the RStudio Addins and Designing Gadget UI articles.

raiden is designed to be called when a user has an object in the global environment they’d like to document with roxygen2 tags.


Creating objects to document:

my_list <- list('mtcars' = datasets::mtcars,
                'attitude' = datasets::attitude,
                'titanic' = datasets::Titanic)
mtcars <- datasets::mtcars
R6_class_generator <- R6Class()
R6_object <- R6_class_generator$new()

Then run raiden::raidenApp() to view the Addin (beta):

Users can select:

  1. Object name
  2. class or type

Then enter:

  1. Object title

This populates the appropriate roxygen2 template.