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This vignette covers how to use pickler functions with testthat’s describe() and it() functions.

Make sure you have the latest version of testthat installed.

if (!require(pak)) {
    repos = ""
pak::pkg_install("r-lib/testthat", upgrade = TRUE, ask = FALSE)


pickler was motivated by the latest recommendation from the testthat authors on moving the test scope to within the test (i.e., remove or reduce the need for code outside the call to test_that()).

To avoid code outside of test_that():

Adopting test fixtures, helpers, and setup files will address the first item in the list above, but pickler is mostly focused on the second item: making tests obvious and clear.

Behavior-driven development functions

The behavior-driven development (BDD) functions are excellent additions to the suite of testing tools provided by testthat. They work like so:

describe(description = "verify that you implement the right things", code = {
  it(description = "ensure you do the things right", code = {
#> Test passed

The great thing about describe() is that they can be nested:

describe(description = "decribe the right way to implement thing", code = {
  describe(description = "verify that you implemented the right thing", code = {
    it(description = "ensure you do the thing right", code = {
#> Test passed

Each it() call is essentially identical to test_that(), but allows for a longer character string description.

What to test

Strive to test each behaviour in one and only one test. Then if that behaviour later changes you only need to update a single test - What to test, R Packages, 2ed

pickler attempts to address the advice above by providing a set of Gherkin-style syntax functions that can be placed in the description argument of decribe() or it(). The three primary functions in pickler are feature(), scenario(), and background().

The following sections walk through an example with the split_cols() function. You can view the source code for this function here, but for now we’ll just look it’s arguments and the problem it solves:

  pattern = "[^[:alnum:]]+", 
  col_prefix = "col")

Given the input_data data below:

#>   id                name
#> 1  1               First
#> 2  2         First, Last
#> 3  3 First, Middle, Last

split_cols() will generate this:

#>   id                name col_1  col_2 col_3
#> 1  1               First First   <NA>  <NA>
#> 2  2         First, Last First   Last  <NA>
#> 3  3 First, Middle, Last First Middle  Last

split_cols() was written because tidyr::separate() didn’t have an easy solution, and I wanted to reduce the number of keystrokes/neurons/dependencies/etc to solve this problem.

tidyr::separate(data = input_data, 
                     col = "name", 
                     into = c("col_1", "col_2", "col_3"), 
                     remove = FALSE,
                     extra = "merge", 
                     fill = "right")
#>   id                name col_1  col_2 col_3
#> 1  1               First First   <NA>  <NA>
#> 2  2         First, Last First   Last  <NA>
#> 3  3 First, Middle, Last First Middle  Last


Features are the units of functionality we’re trying to deliver. We can adapt the language from testthat’s BDD functions above into a Gherkin-style feature:

Feature: My function's feature
  As a user of this function
  I want to verify that I implemented the right thing
  So that I can ensure I did the thing right

Features have the following keywords:

Feature: <title>
  As a <person using the code>
  I want <some action>
  So that <desired behavior>

A feature should start with a mental model of the problem we’d like to solve. The Gherkin-style example for split_cols() might look something like this:

Feature: Split a single column into multiple columns using a pattern
  As an analyst 
  I want to specify a column and a pattern 
  So that I can quickly generate multiple columns.

The goal of a feature is to clearly state the objective or functionality we’re trying to achieve. The arguments in feature() match the Gherkin feature keywords:

    title = ,
    as_a = ,
    i_want = ,
    so_that = 

This pattern is similar for all pickler functions, but I’ve converted the keywords to snake_case so they align with the tidyverse naming conventions).

pickler’s function arguments also serve as prompts to fill out each keyword:

    title = "Split a single column into multiple columns using a pattern",
    as_a = "user of split_cols()",
    i_want = "to specify a column and a pattern",
    so_that = "I can quickly generate multiple columns."

You might be wondering why you’d bother passing this information into a function and not just include them in a language-agnostic fenced code block:

Feature: Split a single column into multiple columns using a pattern
  As an analyst 
  I want to specify a column and a pattern 
  So that I can quickly generate multiple columns.

picker’s functions are designed to work in R Markdown and testthat tests. For example, any code blocks with a pickler functions can set to eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, and comment="" to render nicely formatted Gherkin syntax when the file is knitted:

Feature: Split a single column into multiple columns using a pattern
  As a user of split_cols()
  I want to specify a column and a pattern
  So that I can quickly generate multiple columns.


Examples are the cornerstone of behavior-driven development and testing. Captured as scenarios, these should illustrate a concrete example of how our code should behave. Scenarios are also great for communicating and documenting requirements, code, and tests with stakeholders and non-technical audiences:

“Examples play a primary role in BDD, simply because they’re an extremely effective way of communicating clear, precise, and unambiguous requirements. Specifications written in natural language are, as it turns out, a terribly poor way of communicating requirements, because there’s so much space for ambiguity, assumptions, and misunderstandings. Examples are a great way to overcome these limitations and clarify the requirements. Examples are also a great way to explore and expand your knowledge.” - BDD in Action, John Ferguson Smart

Consider the scenario() below for split_cols():

    title = "Split column with a default pattern",
    given = "a dataframe with a specified column",
    when = "I split the column using the default pattern",
    then = "the column should be split into multiple columns"

We could also add function arguments (in square brackets), but this is optional.

    title = "Split column with a default pattern",
    given = "a dataframe [data] with a specified column [col]",
    when = "I split the [col] column using the default [[^[:alnum:]]+]",
    then = "the [col] column should be split into multiple columns"

When rendered, this scenario would look like so:

Scenario: Split column with a default pattern
  Given a dataframe [data] with a specified column [col]
  When I split the [col] column using the default [[^[:alnum:]]+]
  Then the [col] column should be split into multiple columns


Scenarios can also include additional and statements after the then keyword to test multiple behaviors:

    title = "Split column with a default pattern",
    given = "a dataframe [data] with a specified column [col]",
    when = "I split the [col] column using the default [[^[:alnum:]]+]",
    then = "the [col] column should be split into multiple columns",
    and = "the new columns should be named with the default prefix [cols_]"

Gherkin scenarios occasionally include And keywords directly following a Given statement, but in pickler this information is placed in the background():


background() can be used to provide context for any preexisting conditions (or the state of the world) we’re contending with. background() can also be used to reduce any repetitive information in scenarios. For example, consider the two scenarios below:

  Scenario: Split column with 'default' pattern
    Given a dataframe with text data
    And a specified column "<column_name>"
    When I split the column with the default pattern
    And a column prefix "<col_prefix>"
    Then the column should be split into multiple columns
    And the resulting dataframe should have the original data with added split columns
    And the new columns should have names with the provided prefix and an index

  Scenario: Split column with 'custom' pattern
    Given a dataframe with text data
    And a specified column "<column_name>"
    When I split the column with a custom pattern "<pattern>"
    And a column prefix "<col_prefix>"
    Then the column should be split according to the custom pattern
    And the resulting dataframe should have the original data with added split columns
    And the new columns should have names with the provided prefix and an index

These scenarios have a lot of duplicated lines–specifically, these three:

Given a dataframe with text data
And a specified column "<column_name>"
And a column prefix "<col_prefix>"

We can place these in a background() to remove repetition and ‘set the stage’ for any future scenarios:

    title = "Input dataframe with text data", 
    given = "a dataframe [data] with text columns", 
    and = list(
               "a column prefix [cols_]", 
               "a specified column [col]"))

The nice thing about storing additional context in background() is that you’ll only have to update this information in a single location.

When rendered, the background() looks like this:

Background: Input dataframe with text data
  Given a dataframe [data] with text columns
  And a column prefix [cols_]
  And a specified column [col]


BDD tests are written to communicate the context, intended behavior, and a series of use cases for how our code should be used. pickler functions help facilitate this because they can be placed in nested calls to describe() and it().

Below is an example feature(), background(), and scenario() for split_cols():

    title = "Split a single column into multiple columns using a pattern",
    as_a = "user of split_cols()",
    i_want = "to specify a column and a pattern",
    so_that = "I can quickly generate multiple columns."
  ), code = {
        title = "Input dataframe with text data", 
        given = "a dataframe [data] with text columns", 
        and = list(
                   "a column prefix [cols_]", 
                   "a specified column [col]")), code = {
        title = "Split column with a default pattern",
        given = "a dataframe [data] with a specified column [col]",
        when = "I split the [col] column using the default [[^[:alnum:]]+]",
        then = "the [col] column should be split into multiple columns"
      ), code = {
#> Test passed

BDD tests take longer to write, but the tradeoff is obvious: any losses in brevity are gained in clarity. The emphasis on using plain language makes it easier for stakeholders and collaborators to understand how our code works (and how it’s being tested).

pickler functions can also be placed in desc argument of a the test_that() test, but sometimes a multiline descriptions can cause errors.:

    title = "My function's feature",
    as_a = "user of this function",
    i_want = "to verify that I implemented the right thing",
    so_that = "to ensure I did the thing right"
  code = {
#> Test passed