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Test development workflow

In standard R packages, new functionality is added to R/ with usethis::use_r(), followed by a corresponding test file in tests/testthat/ with usethis::use_test():

  • use_r()

  • use_test()

While developing, these files can be accessed using the functions above, and tested interactively with devtools::test_active_file() and devtools::test_coverage_active_file()

  • test_active_file()

  • test_coverage_active_file()

As the code in R/ grows, the test suite might include additional features like fixtures, helpers, mocks, or a setup.R file. When a package has been sufficiently developed, the tests are run with devtools::test(), test coverage is reported with devtools::test_coverage(), and the (I’m assuming the package is checked periodically with devtools::check(), too):

  • test()

  • test_coverage()

Additional package can be used to include test coverage reports (covrpage), traceability matrices (covtracer), etc., to your package documentation.

Test documentation

Throughout development, the functional requirements for your package are documented in R/ (with roxygen2), and long-form documentation is placed in vignettes.1 Vignettes can (and should) be used to show users how your package works, especially if your package is going to be shared with the world (i.e., via a pkgdown site). However, it’s not often developers use vignettes to store the information that’s essential to the development process (i.e., proposed features, specifications, user stories, etc.)

Rmd + BDD = pickler

Including relevant context in describe() and it() is nice for developers, but I’ve found stakeholders and potential users rarely look the the tests/ folder for information on a package’s features (or how it’s functions are supposed to behave).

pickler was written to make the information in the tests/ folder more accessible to a broader audience. The Gherkin-style functions available in pickler are designed to work in R Markdown (i.e. as a vignette) and run in a test file. It’s been pointed out elsewhere2 that vignettes have a few characteristics that make them a great place for development:

“an R package implies writing documentation: one of the main goals of the Vignettes, in an R package, is to document how to use the package. And the good news is that when checking a package, i.e. when running check() from devtools (Wickham, Hester, and Chang 2020) or R CMD check, the Vignettes are going to be built, and the process will fail if at least one of the Vignettes fails to render. That way, you can use the documentation of the back-end as an extra tool for doing unit testing!”