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Creating a gerp projects

There are two functions for creating a new gerp project: ger_proj() and ger_create().


The quickest way to create a new gerp project is with gerp::ger_proj().

  1. First you need to install the package from GitHub.
  1. Then enter the following in your R Console pane:

You’ll see the following:

New gerp project with gerp::ger_proj()

New gerp project with gerp::ger_proj()

New gerp projects created with gerp::ger_proj() will automatically place the new project on your Desktop or some other conspicuous location. (1)


The ger_create() function assumes you’ve navigated to your project folder and have the path in a quoted text string (i.e, "/Users/mjfrigaard/projects/"). If you need help locating a home for your R projects, check out the Folder paths vignette.

  1. Locate or create your R projects folder. You can store the output in a variable (pth) and pass it to the folder argument in gerp::ger_create() (or pass the full path in quotes).

pth <- gerp::ger_path("/Users/mjfrigaard/projects/")
  folder = pth, 
  name = "my project")

  1. After running gerp::ger_create(), a new ‘good enough’ R project will open in a new session:

New gerp project!

New gerp project!

.Rproj files

gerp projects use RStudio’s project files (with extension .Rproj). .Rproj files “contain project options and can also be used as a shortcut for opening the project directly from the filesystem.”.(2)

When I want to re-open my RStudio project, I navigate to the .Rproj file and double-click on it to open RStudio:

Opening an RStudio project

Opening an RStudio project

  1. gerp::ger_proj() use the usethis::use_course() function to download the zip file.

  2. If you’re already using a cloud platform like Dropbox or Google Drive to keep track of your files, choose a different location for your R project folders. Cloud storage services are great, but they’ve been known to cause issues when working with R and RStudio.