Naming workflow
Naming workflow
, ger_fname()
, and
all work as a team to 1) create reliable names
for files and objects, and 2) make it easier to maintain the connection
between project files and object names.
Example 1
works well for file names that have been
located with ger_path()
and created with
Assume I have a file named 99$bad%FILE%nAme.xlsx
in my
folder. I can create a new
script in the data-raw/
[1] TRUE
The follow contents are placed in bad_file_name.R
# get absolute path
abs_pth <- gerp::ger_path("inst/extdata/99%bad%%FILE%name.csv")
# get relative path for file name
gerp::ger_path("inst/extdata/99%bad%%FILE%name.csv", type = 'rel') |> gerp::ger_fname()
✔ '2023-04-10_99-bad-file-name.csv' is copied to the clipboard!
# paste and store file name
exprt_nm <- "2023-04-10_99-bad-file-name.csv"
# get object name
"2023-04-10_99-bad-file-name.csv" |> gerp::ger_name()
✔ 'bad_file_name_csv_2023_04_10_99' is copied to the clipboard!
# paste and import using absolute path
bad_file_name_csv_2023_04_10_99 <- readr::read_csv(file = abs_pth)
# export to new location using file name
readr::write_csv(x = bad_file_name_csv_2023_04_10_99, file = paste0("data-raw/", exprt_nm))
ger_path("data", tree = TRUE)
└── 2023-04-10_99-bad-file-name.csv
Example 2
In the event I’ve created an object in R and need to export it, the workflow is slightly different.
Assume I’ve created new_data
, which I want to store in
the data/
new_data <- tibble::tribble(
~x, ~y, ~z,
"J", 3.78788225133507, FALSE,
"N", 6.79125214331172, TRUE,
"T", 3.70527803343078, TRUE,
"A", 5.43565140930839, TRUE,
"Y", 8.13565077574797, FALSE,
"M", 6.10749813415254, FALSE,
"G", 8.2922407776683, TRUE,
"B", 2.78855879559163, FALSE,
"X", 4.36696377700339, FALSE,
"O", 2.34682208415642, TRUE
#> # A tibble: 10 × 3
#> x y z
#> <chr> <dbl> <lgl>
#> 1 J 3.79 FALSE
#> 2 N 6.79 TRUE
#> 3 T 3.71 TRUE
#> 4 A 5.44 TRUE
#> 5 Y 8.14 FALSE
#> 6 M 6.11 FALSE
#> 7 G 8.29 TRUE
#> 8 B 2.79 FALSE
#> 9 X 4.37 FALSE
#> 10 O 2.35 TRUE
# store name
exrt_nm <- gerp::ger_fname("new_data")
✔ '2023-04-10_new-data' is copied to the clipboard!
# paste to check export path
paste0("data/", "2023-04-10_new-data", ".rds")
[1] "data/2023-04-10_new-data.rds"
# store
exrt_pth <- paste0("data/", "2023-04-10_new-data", ".rds")
└── 2023-04-10_new-data.rds