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The risk tables are created using the functions in the seg-shiny-1-3-3 repo. Through the multiple iterations of this application, different values have been used to establish these categories.


This vignette covers the risk category table function and performs unit tests on the output to ensure it matches the table in the application.

Load test data

The segtools package uses testthat, a common testing framework for performing unit tests. I’ll load a test data file used in the GitHub repo (VanderbiltComplete.csv) below and run it in the shiny app to generate the tables for comparison.

github_data_root <-
full_sample_repo <- base::paste0(github_data_root,
test_vand_comp_data <-
  vroom::vroom(file = full_sample_repo, delim = ",")
#> Rows: 9,891
#> Columns: 2
#> $ BGM <dbl> 121, 212, 161, 191, 189, 104, 293, 130, 261, 147, 83, 132, 146, 24…
#> $ REF <dbl> 127, 223, 166, 205, 210, 100, 296, 142, 231, 148, 81, 131, 155, 25…

Application (version 1.3.3) functions

The previous application functions are stored in the helpers.R file in the GitHub repo.

SEG Risk Variables

Create the risk_vars_tbl from seg_risk_vars():

risk_vars_tbl <- seg_risk_vars(df = test_vand_comp_data)
#> Rows: 9,868
#> Columns: 19
#> $ BGM            <dbl> 121, 212, 161, 191, 189, 104, 293, 130, 261, 147, 83, 1…
#> $ REF            <dbl> 127, 223, 166, 205, 210, 100, 296, 142, 231, 148, 81, 1…
#> $ bgm_pair_cat   <chr> "BGM < REF", "BGM < REF", "BGM < REF", "BGM < REF", "BG…
#> $ ref_pair_2cat  <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,…
#> $ included       <chr> "Total included in SEG Analysis", "Total included in SE…
#> $ RiskPairID     <dbl> 72849, 127636, 96928, 114997, 113800, 62605, 176390, 78…
#> $ RiskFactor     <dbl> 0.0025445, 0.0279900, 0.0000000, 0.2061100, 0.2086500, …
#> $ abs_risk       <dbl> 0.0025445, 0.0279900, 0.0000000, 0.2061100, 0.2086500, …
#> $ risk_cat       <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0…
#> $ ABSLB          <dbl> -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001, -0.001,…
#> $ ABSUB          <dbl> 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, …
#> $ risk_cat_txt   <chr> "None", "None", "None", "None", "None", "None", "None",…
#> $ rel_diff       <dbl> -0.047244094, -0.049327354, -0.030120482, -0.068292683,…
#> $ abs_rel_diff   <dbl> 0.047244094, 0.049327354, 0.030120482, 0.068292683, 0.1…
#> $ sq_rel_diff    <dbl> 2.232004e-03, 2.433188e-03, 9.072434e-04, 4.663891e-03,…
#> $ iso_diff       <dbl> 4.7244094, 4.9327354, 3.0120482, 6.8292683, 10.0000000,…
#> $ iso_range      <chr> "<= 5% or 5 mg/dL", "<= 5% or 5 mg/dL", "<= 5% or 5 mg/…
#> $ risk_grade     <chr> "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", …
#> $ risk_grade_txt <chr> "0 - 0.5", "0 - 0.5", "0 - 0.5", "0 - 0.5", "0 - 0.5", …

Risk Category Table

The SEGRiskCategoryTable4 table is created in the app server function


I’ve re-written it below as seg_risk_cat_tbl():

Below I confirm the output from seg_risk_cat_tbl():

SEG Risk Level SEG Risk Category Number of Pairs Percent
0 None 9474 96%
1 Slight, Lower 294 3%
2 Slight, Higher 55 0.6%
3 Moderate, Lower 24 0.2%
4 Moderate, Higher 11 0.1%
5 Severe, Lower 10 0.1%
6 Severe, Upper NA NA
7 Extreme NA NA

Application RiskCategoryTable

Below is the app display of the risk level table.

The risk level table is also built with DT, and I’ve built it below as app_risk_level_tbl (for testing)

app_risk_level_tbl <-
    `SEG Risk Level` = c(0L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L),
    `SEG Risk Category` = c(
      'Slight, Lower', 'Slight, Higher',
      'Moderate, Lower','Moderate, Higher',
      'Severe, Lower', 'Severe, Higher',
    `Number of Pairs` = c(9474L, 294L, 55L, 24L, 11L, 10L, NA_integer_, NA_integer_),
    Percent = c(
      '96%', '3%', '0.6%', '0.2%', '0.1%', '0.1%', NA_character_, NA_character_

SEG Risk Level SEG Risk Category Number of Pairs Percent
0 None 9474 96%
1 Slight, Lower 294 3%
2 Slight, Higher 55 0.6%
3 Moderate, Lower 24 0.2%
4 Moderate, Higher 11 0.1%
5 Severe, Lower 10 0.1%
6 Severe, Higher NA NA
7 Extreme NA NA


I’ll limit the test to the Number of Pairs column.

testthat::test_that("Test risk category pairs", {
  # function table
  object = seg_risk_cat_tbl(risk_vars_tbl)$`Number of Pairs`, 
  # application table
  expected = app_risk_level_tbl$`Number of Pairs`
#> Test passed 🎉