27  Design




The contents for section are under development. Thank you for your patience.

In this section, we’ll briefly introduce a few packages that can be used to customize the look and feel of your Shiny app. Specifically, we’ll cover using bslib’s layout functions, building interactive graphs with plotly, adding colors and themes with thematic, and conditionally displaying the contents in a reactable table.

I’ve created the shinypak R package In an effort to make each section accessible and easy to follow:

Install shinypak using pak (or remotes):

# install.packages('pak')

Review the chapters in each section:

list_apps(regex = 'design')
## # A tibble: 1 × 2
##   branch    last_updated       
##   <chr>     <dttm>             
## 1 22_design 2024-08-27 21:26:37

Launch an app:

launch(app = "18_design")

27.1 Pages, Panels, and Cards

bslib leverages Bootstrap, a popular front-end framework, which allows developers to easily create application and R markdown themes and styles without deep knowledge of CSS or HTML. bslib is tightly integrated into the Shiny ecosystem.1

The application layout in this branch has been upgraded to the page_navbar(), allowing us to have multiple pages and sidebars:

Figure 27.1: layout_sidebar() inside nav_panel()

The page_navbar() displays the pages as Panel 1, Panel 2, Panel 3, and Panel 4. The landing page uses nav_panel() to arrange the sidebar() and card() contents.

The subsequent pages display the sidebar and cards with the navset_card_tab() and a second nav_panel():

Figure 27.2: navset_card_tab() inside nav_panel()

You can view a demo of this layout with the demo_app_navbar() function.

27.2 Colors and Fonts

We can choose custom colors and fonts with bslib by passing the bs_theme() function to the themeargument of page_navbar():

theme = bslib::bs_theme(
        version = 5,
        bg = "#000000",
        fg = "#ffffff",
        body_bg = "#121212",
        primary = "#2979ff",
        secondary = "#bdbdbd",
        base_font = sass::font_google("Roboto")
Pure black background for maximum contrast
White text color for sharp contrast
Dark gray for the main content background
Bright blue primary color
Light gray for secondary elements
Base font from Google

bs_theme() can be used to define the colors in our, and the sass::font_google() function also gives us control over the fonts. 2

You can view the dark theme using demo_app_navbar(theme = "dark"):

Dark theme in bslib page_navbar()

Dark theme in bslib page_navbar()

27.3 Graphs

After launching the application with launch_app(), we can see the landing page displays our scatter-plot, which has been rebuilt using plotly to add some interactivity to the application.

Figure 27.3: Compare displays the scatter plot

The scatter plot is rendered using plotly::renderPlotly(). The major differences between the ggplot2 syntax and plotly are:

  1. The plot is initialized by plot_ly(), and movies is linked to the x, y, and color axes. base::get() is used to dynamically select the column names stored in our reactive values (vals()).

  2. By setting the text argument to ~title, the scatter-plot will display the title of the film when the cursor hovers over a specific point.

  3. marker specifies the size (vals()$size) and opacity (vals()$alpha) of the points. The type = 'scatter' and mode = 'markers' arguments specify this is a scatter plot with points.

show/hide plotly render code
  data = movies,
  x = ~get(vals()$x),
  y = ~get(vals()$y), 
  color = ~get(vals()$color),
  text = ~title,
  type = 'scatter',
  mode = 'markers',
  colors = clr_pal3,
  marker = list(
    size = vals()$size,
    opacity = vals()$alpha
Reactive user variable inputs
Hover value for points
The scatter type with markers (similar to aesthetics)
Color palette
Point size and opacity

The code to create the clr_pal3 vector is created in data-raw/clr_pal3.R and contains three colors for the levels in critics_rating:

clr_pal3 <- c("#FC5C64FF", "#2F8AC4FF", "#99C945FF")

usethis::use_data(clr_pal3, overwrite = TRUE)

The UI navbar (stored in R/navbar_ui.R) now includes panels for Counts, Distributions, and Awards, with Graphs and Table sub-panels. We will cover these graphs in the section below.

27.3.1 Plot Internals

The remaining graphs in the application are built using ggplot2, but instead of writing utility functions (as we did in previous branches), these visualizations use rlang’s injection operator (!!) for the plot inputs. This method makes it possible to include the ggplot2 functions inside each plotting module. See the example from R/mod_boxplot.R below:

    ggplot2::aes(x = !!vals()$num_var,
                 y = !!vals()$chr_var,
                 fill = !!vals()$chr_var)
Injection operator for our reactive vals()

The modules in this branch follow a similar naming convention to the previous branches. For example, In the UI, the Compare panel collects the inputs in the sidebar and passes them to the point module in the card_body():

│ └─█─mod_compare_vars_ui 

In the Counts panel, the sidebar collects the inputs inside the navset_card_tab(), then passes them to the two nav_panel()s:

│ └─█─mod_counts_vars_ui 
│ ├─█─mod_counts_vbox_ui 
│ ├─█─mod_counts_bar_ui 
│ └─█─mod_counts_waffle_ui 

A consistent naming convention is a life-saver here because it helps differentiate the inputs (_vars) from the outputs (_bar, _point, _tbl, etc.).

27.3.2 thematic

We can match the colors and fonts to the bslib package using thematic::thematic_shiny(), which is placed inside our updated launch_app() function.3

launch_app <- function(options = list(), run = "p", ...) {
  if (interactive()) {
    display_type(run = run)
    options(shiny.useragg = TRUE)
      bg = "#121212",
      fg = "#ffffff",
      accent = "#bdbdbd", 
      font = "Roboto")
      ui = navbar_ui(...),
      server = navbar_server,
      options = options
Set ragg option
Set ggplot2 theme globally
Set thematic theme

This significantly reduces the amount of code required to produce ggplot2 visualizations that match our bslib theme. For example, to reproduce the graph we see in the application, we can use the following code using thematic:

show/hide bar graph code
x_lab <- name_case("critics_rating")
d <- subset(movies,
  thtr_rel_year >= 1980 &
    thtr_rel_year <= 1990)
ggplot2::theme_set(ggplot2::theme_minimal(base_size = 16))
thematic::thematic_on(bg = "#000000", fg = "#ffffff",
  accent = "#bdbdbd", font = "Roboto")
  ggplot2::aes(x = forcats::fct_rev(
  ) +
    ggplot2::aes(fill = critics_rating),
    show.legend = FALSE
  ) +
  ggplot2::coord_flip() +
  ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = clr_pal12) +
    x = x_lab, y = "# of Movies",
    fill = x_lab)
Build x label
Subset data
Set theme (globally)
$et thematic theme
Set aesthetics
Reorganize labels
Build bar graph
Flip x and y
Use color scale
Assign labels

However, if we want the same result using ggplot2 functions, the theme() layer would looks something like this:

show/hide bar graph theme args
      legend.position = "none",
      plot.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = "#121212", color = NA),
      panel.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = "#121212", color = NA),
      panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_line(color = "#ffffff"),
      panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_line(color = "#ffffff"),
      axis.title = ggplot2::element_text(color = "#ffffff"),
      axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_line(color = "#ffffff"),
      title = ggplot2::element_text(color = "#ffffff"),
      text = ggplot2::element_text(color = "#ffffff"),
      axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(color = "#ffffff", size = 14),
      axis.title = ggplot2::element_text(color = "#ffffff", size = 16)

As we can see, thematic_on() reduces the amount of theme() adjustments we need to specify the colors and fonts for our ggplot2 graphs.

The waffle graph is slightly more challenging because this geom comes with it’s own theme (ggwaffle::theme_waffle()):

show/hide ggwaffle code
x_lab <- name_case(as.character("critics_rating"))
# convert to character 
movies$chr_var <- as.character(movies[["critics_rating"]])
# subset
d <- subset(movies, 
        thtr_rel_year >= 1980L &
        thtr_rel_year <= 1990L)
# waffle iron
d_iron <- ggwaffle::waffle_iron(d,
                      ggwaffle::aes_d(group = chr_var))
# plot
ggplot2::ggplot(data = d_iron, 
       ggplot2::aes(x = x, 
           y = y, 
           fill = group)) + 
  ggwaffle::geom_waffle() +
  ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = clr_pal12) +  
    x = "", y = "", 
    fill = x_lab
  ) + 
  ggwaffle::theme_waffle() +
      legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(color = "#ffffff", size = 14),
      legend.title = ggplot2::element_text(color = "#ffffff", size = 16)

By placing the thematic_shiny() function in our standalone app function, we’re can focus on building graphs without worrying about their colors and fonts matching our bslib theme. The graphs from the Distributions and Awards sub-panels are below:

Figure 27.4: Distribution and Awards graph sub-panels

A new label utility function (R/name_case.R) also makes it easier to convert the variable inputs into title case for the graphs and tables:

show/hide name_case() function
name_case <- function(x, case = "title") {
  if (!is.character(x)) {
    stop("Input must be a character vector")
  change_case <- function(name, case) {
    sep_words <- strsplit(name, "_|[^[:alnum:]]+")[[1]]
    case_words <- switch(case,
                   title = paste0(
                              toupper(substring(sep_words, 1, 1)), 
                                      substring(sep_words, 2)),
                   lower = tolower(sep_words),
                   stop("Unsupported case"))
    return(paste(case_words, collapse = " "))
  named_vector <- sapply(x, change_case, case)
Check if input is a character vector
Change the case of a single name
split the string by underscores or other non-alphanumeric characters
Change case of each word
Combine the words
Apply change_case to all elements

Read more about building the graphs with thematic and bslib in the Graphs vignette.

27.4 Value Boxes

The Counts sub-panel include a value box for the time-span and total number of movies released the two year inputs. The value_box() uses a combination of shiny and bsicons functions to format the text:

mod_counts_vbox_ui <- function(id) {
  ns <- NS(id)
      full_screen = FALSE, 
      fill = FALSE,
      title = markdown("#### Totals"), 
      value = textOutput(ns("counts_text")),
      showcase = bsicons::bs_icon("film"),

The rendered output is placed in the bslib::card_header() above the graphs:

Figure 27.5: Counts value box

27.5 Tables

We can match the reactable tables with the UI bslib theme using the reactableTheme() function. We also use some conditional formatting to match the colors in the graphs:

  1. bslib is a dependency of the Shiny package, so it’s automatically loaded with @import shiny. However, I recommend listing it in the Imports field of the DESCRIPTION and referencing its use explicitly to distinguish it from other layout functions↩︎

  2. primary and secondary control the text colors, and the bg, fg, and body_bg arguments control the background, foreground, and body-background↩︎

  3. We’ve also set the ragg option and global ggplot2 theme before calling thematic_shiny()↩︎