Using R package development practices will boost your productivity when building applications and make it easier for your collaborators. First, you will have a clear structure for your files. Second, others can easily share and use your work.
A guiding principle in this book comes from the Benjamin Franklin quote,
“A place for everything, everything in its place”
Packages help you
Do future you a favor.
Standardizing your projects helps anyone reading your code, especially future you. By structuring every Shiny app like an R package, you save time on setup (or re-orienting yourself to each project’s structure). Clear code is essential for Shiny applications in production, and using an R package is a common way to organize your code.1
“a package [is] the fundamental unit of shareable, reusable, and reproducible R code.” - R Packages, 2ed
If you’re using RStudio or Positron, the package structure lets you access user-friendly tools for developing Shiny applications. These tools help you develop and test functions, run unit tests, store data, manage dependencies, and create documentation.
Packages help them
Assume someone else will read your code.
R packages provide a standardized way to enhance R’s capabilities, allowing others to install and use them in their R environment. When developing Shiny apps for production deployment, it’s important to remember that the code will likely be accessed and used by others.
To quote Marie Kondo, the de-cluttering expert,
“Ensuring that each one of your belongings has its own spot is the only way to maintain a tidy and clutter-free home. Clutter has nothing to do with what or how much you own – it’s the failure to put things back where they belong.”
R packages simplify sharing your work with colleagues by eliminating the need for them to determine where everything is located, how everything connects, and how it works.
Packages are scalable
Great R packages solve common problems.
If you’ve developed R functions for tasks such as analysis, data visualization, or report generation, consider creating a package instead of using source()
to load them. This approach will help you expand your understanding from specific use cases (e.g., “this code performs a specific task”) to a broader perspective (e.g., “this package can perform various tasks”).
The advantage of having a mental model for R packages is that you will often observe similarities in common problems. Developing packages that address and solve frequent issues in your workflow can lead to some of the most valuable and popular contributions, as seen with packages like datapasta
and reprex
Packages to know
I highly recommend reading and bookmarking the Shiny articles and the sites for the core package development tools: