Appendix F — Comparisons



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Comparisons are the backbone of testing. Exploring the mechanics of how tests perform these comparisons (i.e., the underlying package(s)) can save you from surprising results.

For example, expect_equal() compares whatever is passed to the observed and expected arguments with the waldo package, with some help from diffobj.


F.0.1 waldo::compare()

If you’d like a preview of a comparison before writing a formal test, you can pass the your observed and expected objects to compare()1

For example, suppose we have two objects:

## # A tibble: 3 × 3
##   chr     num fct  
##   <chr> <dbl> <ord>
## 1 B         1 L    
## 2 C         2 M    
## 3 D         3 H
## # A tibble: 3 × 3
##   CHR     num fct  
##   <chr> <int> <fct>
## 1 B         1 low  
## 2 C         2 med  
## 3 D         3 high

The outputs below are example outputs from waldo::compare():

  x = old,
  y = old)
## ✔ No differences
Comparing identical objects
  x = old,
  y = new)
## `class(old)`: "tbl_df" "tbl" "data.frame"
## `class(new)`:                "data.frame"
## `names(old)`: "chr" "num" "fct"
## `names(new)`: "CHR" "num" "fct"
## `old$chr` is a character vector ('B', 'C', 'D')
## `new$chr` is absent
## `old$num` is a double vector (1, 2, 3)
## `new$num` is an integer vector (1, 2, 3)
## `class(old$fct)`: "ordered" "factor"
## `class(new$fct)`:           "factor"
## `levels(old$fct)`: "L"   "M"   "H"   
## `levels(new$fct)`: "low" "med" "high"
## `old$CHR` is absent
## `new$CHR` is a character vector ('B', 'C', 'D')
Comparing different objects

compare() displays the differences in classes, names, and any individual value differences.

F.0.2 diffobj::diffObj()

If you’re using Posit Workbench, the diffobj package has a colorful display for making comparisons in the IDE.

The differences can be displayed vertically with diffobj::diffObj():

Figure F.1: Viewer ouput from diffobj::diffObj()

If you want to view the structure (str()) differences, you can use diffobj::diffStr():

Figure F.2: Viewer ouput from diffobj::diffStr()

After viewing the old vs new comparisons with waldo and diffobj, you should notice similarities and differences in the results from testthat2

[ FAIL 1 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 0 ]

── Failure (test-old_vs_new.R:17:3): old vs. new ───────────────────────────────
`new` (`actual`) not equal to `old` (`expected`).

`class(actual)`:   "data.frame"                   
`class(expected)`: "tbl_df"     "tbl" "data.frame"

`names(actual)`:   "CHR" "num" "fct"
`names(expected)`: "chr" "num" "fct"

`actual$CHR` is a character vector ('B', 'C', 'D')
`expected$CHR` is absent

`class(actual$fct)`:   "factor"          
`class(expected$fct)`: "ordered" "factor"

`levels(actual$fct)`:   "low" "med" "high"
`levels(expected$fct)`: "L"   "M"   "H"   

`actual$chr` is absent
`expected$chr` is a character vector ('B', 'C', 'D')
[ FAIL 1 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 0 ]

  1. Be mindful of the difference in arguments between expectation functions (i.e., expect_equal()) and compare()↩︎

  2. The results from testthat don’t include the differences between old$num and new$num. This is due to the tolerance argument, which can be adjusted in both functions.↩︎