Since I began writing this book1, the number of AI tools for building Shiny apps has grown significantly. The chapters in this section introduce a few popular tools I’ve personally used to develop applications. For a comprehensive review of LLMs R packages, please checkout the excellent Large Language Model tools for R book by Luis D. Verde Arregoitia.
Given the rapidly evolving landscape and nature of these tools, I expect these chapters to change frequently. Please open a GitHub issue if there is anything outdated, incorrect, or missing.
The Shiny Assistant is a browser-based LLM chat tool you can use to help build a Shiny app. The UI gives you the ability to submit prompts (questions or instructions), view the code, and launch the application. 26 Shiny Assistant covers:
“Think of AI tools as a friend who is a know-it-all, over-confident, presumptuous, and lacks self-awareness. Despite these imperfections, they remain your friend.”
I put the first ‘complete’ edition online in late 2023.↩︎